Live Life in all its Fullness

Published on: Author: patrickdavis

CEW-ImageIt’s Catholic Education Week everyone. Our time to really celebrate the uniqueness of the education we offer to students and families grounded in mission of the Church. I just love the theme chosen, this year to highlight the important work Catholic Schools do to build the Kingdom of God. John 10:10 proclaims us to Live Life in all its Fullness. There is no greater message for the modern Catholic School as it invites every member of a school community to develop their relationship with Jesus, to nurture their individual gifts, and to recognise and celebrate the giftedness of others. It also invites us to witness Christ’s presence and to make a difference through just and peaceful actions that show our reverence for all people and the environment.

I recently came across a beautiful lesson that highlights the gifts we are given through John’s words, Live Life in all its Fullness. In focusing on something as simple as the life of a flowering plant, we can be granted so much more and use these in harmonious relationship with those around us.

Life Lesson of a Flowering Plant

The person who wants me in this earth created the seed from where I came. Someone who wanted me in a specific location planted the seed. I received water and food until I was established. I don’t own my life, I was given the life that’s mine. My abilities, special features, uniqueness are not mine. I was given all these things in me. I am so thankful that I have this life.

When the planter gives me food and water, I am given a responsibility. Grow as I am supposed to. As I respect the gifts that I have been given, I will live that full potential and share these gifts with others. Grab the opportunities as they come or go for it, as my abilities and interest take me.

I am given this life. I have to give back something to my creator, planter, and this Earth.

I found out the purpose of my life. I am supposed to give beautiful flowers.

I have blossomed. My flowers are for everyone to enjoy.
Now I am happy and content.
I am living this life in all its fullness.

In closing, let’s reflect on our level of humility, responsibility, giving, purpose and action. What is making your life… one lived in all its fullness?